Saturday, November 15, 2008

The first time we saw your face

Alison put together some of Lindy's first day.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thatcher's 4th Birthday

With all the craziness from Lindy's birth on Sunday and time in the NICU, we were so glad to be able to get home Tuesday night, see the kids, and let Thatcher celebrate his birthday. Thanks go Grandma Evelyn for getting a Veteran's Day-themed cake for us; it saved us time and trouble. Thatcher's favorite gift was Kung Fu Panda, which is a great flik if you haven't seen it. Thatcher was excited to have a new baby sister come home on his birthday.

It was just a year ago on the 11th--his 3rd Birthday--that we were coming home from the hospital with Thatcher after his stay at Primary Children's. We've been blessed to have Thatcher pretty trouble free this summer and fall and hope it continues. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lindy Ellis

Lindy was born at 2:17 AM Sunday morning. A little scare right when she was born, but now she is fine. We'll post more pictures and details soon.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The force runs strong in my family

The Skywalker family arrived for Halloween.